
第51卷第2期(Vol. 51 No. 2)






雖然早期研究發現學校分割會影響移民兒童的福祉,但很少有研究者關注戶口學校分割與中國流動兒童福祉的關係,其作用機制和調節機制更是猶未可知。基於 全國代表性的追蹤樣本,本研究探討戶口歧視在戶口學校分割與流動兒童福祉的中介效果,同時分析戶口類型在戶口學校分割與戶口歧視對流動兒童福祉影響的調節效應。本研究使用中國教育追蹤調查(China Education Panel Survey, CEPS)兩期追蹤數據,樣本包括1,226名流動兒童。研究結果顯示:(1)當前中國大陸存在明顯的戶口學校分割現象;(2)學校流動兒童比例顯著負向影響流動兒童的學術福祉和行為福祉; (3)同伴歧視和教師歧視在學校流動兒童比例和學術福祉間有中介效果;(4)戶口類型對同伴歧視和學術福祉有調節效果。根據研究結果,本文提出相關理論實踐意涵和未來研究方向。



Although earlier research found that school segregation affects the well-being of immigrant children, little is known about the effect of hukou-based school segregation on academic and social well-being among migrant children in mainland China. The mediating and moderating mechanisms underlying this association are also unknown. Based on a nationally representative sample of the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS), this study examined whether hukou-based discrimination mediated the association between hukou-based school segregation and well-being, and whether the direct and mediating effects were moderated by migrant status. The sample of this study comprised 1,226 migrant children from the first two waves of the CEPS. The findings indicated that: (a) hukou-based school segregation currently exists in mainland China; (b) the proportion of migrant children in school negatively affects migrant children’s academic and social well-being; (c) peer discrimination and teacher discrimination partially mediates this association; (d) migrant status moderates the direct association between the proportion of migrant children in school and migrant children’s academic well-being as well as the indirect relationship via peer discrimination. Contribution and implications of this study were discussed.

Keywords: hukou-based school segregation; well-being; hukou-based discrimination; migrant status; migrant children

摘要 Abstract



Teacher criticism affects students’ self-esteem, which is not conducive to establishing a healthy relationship between teachers and students. However, previous studies did not consider whether teacher-student relationship can reduce the negative impacts of teacher criticism on students’ self-esteem. This study examined the use of teachers’ critical language in a Chinese context, the predictive effects of different types of critical language on students’ self-esteem, and the mediating effects of teacher-student relationship on critical language and students’ self-esteem. Results showed that: (a) there were significant gender and grade differences in teacher criticism, teacher-student relations, and student self-esteem; (b) person-oriented criticism negatively predicted students’ self-esteem, while process-oriented criticism positively predicted students’ self-esteem; (c) teacher-student relationships played a complete mediating role between person-oriented criticism and students’ self-esteem, as well as a partial mediating role between process-oriented criticism and students’ self-esteem. These results indicated that teachers should be more reflective of their criticisms to maintain a healthy relationship with students and improve students’ self-esteem.

Keywords: teacher criticism; self-esteem; teacher-student relationship; mediating effect


教師批評會影響學生的自尊,不利於建立健康的師生關係。然而,以往的研究沒有考慮師生關係是否可以減少教師批評對學生自尊的負面影響。本研究考察了中國背景下教師批判性語言的使用情況,不同類型批判性語言對學生自尊的預測作用, 以及師生關係在批判性語言與學生自尊之間的中介作用。結果表明:(1)在教師批評、師生關係和學生自尊方面存在顯著的性別和年級差異;(2)個人取向的教師批評會 負向預測學生自尊,而過程取向的教師批評則正向預測學生自尊;(3)師生關係在 個人取向的批評與學生自尊之間起完全中介作用,在過程取向批評與學生自尊之間起部分中介作用。這些結果表明,教師應該更多反思其批評以保持與學生的健康關係,提高學生的自尊心。


摘要 Abstract



本研究回顧2000–2019共20年間,Scopus資料庫中拼圖法(jigsaw)合作學習教學策略在科學教育應用的29篇文獻,透過內容分析法分析各文獻,主要針對「學生的學齡階段」、教師採用的「目標結構設定」,以及教師「培養學生成為的專家類型」進行分析。學生的學齡階段分為:國小、中學(國中、高中)和大學階段。目標結構設定分為:合作型、小組競爭型和個體化目標結構。教師培養學生成為的專家類型則分為:知識型專家、能力型專家和態度型專家。研究結果發現:(1)對於合作學習 沒有經驗的學生或是年紀較小的學生,較適合小組競爭型的目標結構;(2)對於較為抽象的知識,學生較不信任藉由拼圖法合作學習得到的知識內容;(3)拼圖法合作學習策略中,組員能否透過練習成為專家,是其成功的重要關鍵。最終,透過文獻分析結果,提出未來拼圖法合作學習的研究方向,以及教師教學實踐上的建議。



This study reviewed 29 literatures in the Scopus database on the application of jigsaw cooperative learning and teaching strategies in science education during the years from 2000 to 2019, and analyzed the literature through content analysis. The analysis framework mainly focused on the “school grades of students,” the “goal structure setting” adopted by teachers, and the “type of experts that teachers cultivate students to become.” The school grades of students were divided into elementary school, middle school (junior high and senior high school), and university stage. The goal structure setting was divided into cooperative, group competition, and individualized goal structure. The types of experts that teachers train students to become were analyzed in terms of knowledge (conceptual knowledge understanding, academic achievement), ability (operational, cooperative learning), and attitude (playing an expert role and cooperating with experts). The results of the study found that: (a) for students who have no experience in cooperative learning or for younger students, the group-competition goal structure is more suitable; (b) for more abstract knowledge, students have less confidence in the knowledge content learned through jigsaw-style cooperation; (c) in the jigsaw cooperative learning strategy, whether team members can become experts through practice is an important key to their success. Finally, based on the study results, future research directions of jigsaw-based cooperative learning and suggestions for teaching practice were put forward.

Keywords: cooperative learning; jigsaw; science education

摘要 Abstract






In order to increase the interaction of students, most teachers will ask questions by student’s name, or use the interactive response system. However, the multiple-choice-based interactive response system tends to make students reluctant to spend time thinking, so how to induce their willingness to spend time thinking is the topic of this research. The research developed an interactive response system with the prompt of hot multiple-choice questions. A total of 127 Information and Computer Engineering students participated in this research. They were divided into two groups (experimental group and control group). Both groups of students used the system for real-time answering and interaction. Only in the experimental group would the hot-option mark appear. Questionnaires were conducted before and after the experiment to understand the status of students’ peer interaction, teacher-student interaction and classroom participation before and after using the system. Results showed that “hot multiple-choice questions with interactive response system” was more able to induce students’ “interaction with teachers” than the traditional multiple-choice interactive response system, and the experimental group significantly improved “interaction with peers” and “participation in classroom learning.” In addition, from the feedback of student questionnaire, it was found that the use of hot multiple-choice questions can improve the ability of active thinking. The study indicated that adding the hot-option design can induce more thinking for answering the questions, and enhance the interaction with teachers and peers, thereby increasing classroom participation.

Keywords: peer interaction; interactive response systems; interaction with the teacher; willingness to participate in class activities; hot multiple-choice questions

摘要 Abstract






Starting from the 2015–2016 school year, the Hong Kong Education Bureau has revised the Chinese curriculum for senior secondary schools, incorporating 12 prescribed classical Chinese texts (範文). Reference materials were uploaded a year before the implementation. Among those references, the analysis (賞析) of each essay has the most far-reaching impact in teaching and learning. This article pointed out the flaws in the annotation part of selected entries from the Analects (〈論仁、論孝、論君子〉), put forward principles applicable to teaching materials, and suggested revisions accordingly. Among the 4 selected entries from “Lun Ren” (「論仁」), this article proposed a total of 7 revisions in 11 of the annotations, and demonstrated with evidence in detail.

Keywords: Chinese curriculum; sample essays; Hong Kong; Hong Kong Education Bureau; Analects of Confucius

摘要 Abstract






Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face classes in primary and secondary schools were prohibited for a significant period of time during 2020 in Hong Kong. Therefore, this triggered many schools to transit from traditional face-to-face teaching mode into e-learning, bringing opportunities and challenges, especially for subjects that rarely used online teaching in the past, such as Chinese language. Using a qualitative research method, five Chinese language teachers at a local secondary school were interviewed and observed. This study aimed to investigate the changes in their teaching approach and their perceptions of e-learning under the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the factors affecting their use of e-learning tools. Findings indicated that the teachers generally showed positive views on e-learning while no significant change in their teaching approach. The teachers mainly used e-learning tools to facilitate their teaching based on the nature of teaching contents. They believed the effectiveness of e-learning would be affected by students’ learning motivation and socioeconomic status. School support and policies were also found to affect teachers’ willingness and ability to implement e-learning.

Keywords: COVID-19; e-learning; teacher perception

摘要 Abstract



本研究探討強調「自主學習」的台灣十二年國民基本教育新課程綱要背景下, 校訂課程所展現的學習成效。研究者主張,在促進中學生自主學習知能的課程綱要配套下,校訂課程雖各有訴求,但仍能在滿足校訂課程目標之餘,同步促進自主學習的準備度,而自主學習準備度的進步,亦能提升學生的學業成就。本研究透過結構方程模型,探討自主學習準備度對於學生修讀完校訂閱讀課程後,其閱讀策略的後設認知覺知,以及影響學業成就的中介效果。本研究於2020年在一所南部都會區國中一、二年級進行調查,共收案1,222人。兩個年級的分析結果顯示,自主學習準備度對閱讀策略後設認知覺知和學業成績存在中介效果。不過,修讀完校訂必修「閱讀指導」課國中二年級學生,其閱讀策略後設認知覺知直接影響學期成績,這是國中一年級學生所沒有的。

關鍵詞:自主學習準備度;校訂課程;十二年國民教育課程綱要總綱;中介效果; 閱讀策略的後設認知覺知


This study aimed to investigate the outcomes of school-developed curriculum (SDC) in the context of the new Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education (nCG), which emphasizes self-directed learning. The researchers hypothesized that, with the nCG’s emphasis on promoting self-directed learning readiness (SDLR), SDCs could meet their specific objectives while contributing to students’ SDLR and improving academic achievement. The present study used structural equation modeling to investigate the mediating effect of metacognitive awareness of reading strategy (MARS) and academic achievement, following students’ participation in school-designated reading courses, on their SDLR. A total of 1,222 valid responses were obtained from a metropolitan junior high school in Southern Taiwan in 2020. Structural equation modeling analyses showed that SDLR fully mediated (in 7th graders) and partially mediated (in 8th graders) the relationship between MARS and academic achievement. Additionally, a direct effect between MARS and academic achievement was found among 8th graders who had completed the school-based mandatory “Guided Reading” course, while the relationship was not significant among 7th graders. Overall, the school-developed curriculum of reading instruction was shown to promote self-directed learning among junior high school students.

Keywords: self-directed learning readiness; school-developed curriculum; Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education; mediating effects; metacognitive awareness of reading strategy

摘要 Abstract



本研究旨在發展六色積木與遊玩箱正向心理樂玩治療團體,探討其對台灣社會弱勢兒童幸福感與樂玩性的效果。本研究為單群組準實驗設計,以14名社會弱勢兒童為研究對象,實施每週90分鐘共12週的六色積木與遊玩箱正向心理樂玩治療團體。 以「兒童幸福感量表」、「兒童樂玩量表」進行前、後測和結束四週後的追蹤測驗,以相依樣本t檢定探討實驗處理的效果。研究者蒐集團體記錄,以內容分析來探究改變的階段。研究發現:(1)六色積木與遊玩箱正向心理樂玩治療團體對社會弱勢兒童幸福感、生活滿意度和樂玩性有立即效果;在幸福感、快樂情緒、生活滿意度和樂玩性皆有延宕效果;(2)六色積木與遊玩箱正向心理樂玩治療團體的改變四階段包括:優勢認知的開展、欣賞美好的關注、社會培力的實踐、樂玩優勢力和情緒力的深化等。



This study aimed to develop a playfulness-based positive psycotherapy group with Six Bricks and Play Box (hereafter referred to as SBPB PBPP group), and to explore the effects on the well-being and playfulness of Taiwan’s socially disadvantaged children. This study adopted a single-group quasi-experimental design, with 14 Taiwan’s socially disadvantaged children as the research participants. They received 12 weeks of SBPB PBPP group (90 minutes each week). The researcher used the “Children’s Well-being Scale” and “Children’s Playfulness Scale” to carry out pre-test, post-test and follow-up test after the end of the group four weeks later. The researcher used the t-test of dependent samples to explore the effects of the experimental treatment. In addition, the researcher collected group records and used content analysis to explore the stages of change. Results found that: (a) the SBPB PBPP group has an immediate effect on well-being, life satisfaction, and playfulness; well-being, happy mood, life satisfaction, and playfulness all have delay effects; (b) the change stage of SBPB PBPP group includes: the development of strength cognition, the development of appreciating beauty, the practice of social competence, the deepening of strength and emotional power.

Keywords: Six Bricks and Play Box; playfulness-based positive psychotherapy; social disadvantaged children; well-being; playfulness

摘要 Abstract



本研究的主要目的是探討幼兒說謊行為(包括:說謊與否、圓謊能力高低)與認知彈性的關聯。本文屬準實驗研究,以撲克牌遊戲情境觀察幼兒是否說謊,將幼兒圓謊的解釋分類為合理與否,並以NEPSY-II評量幼兒的認知彈性。本研究以便利取樣徵募台灣中部地區五所私立幼兒園91位5–6歲幼兒參與,包含男生46人、女生45人。 研究發現:(1)性別與幼兒是否說謊、圓謊的合理與否,以及認知彈性無顯著關聯;認知彈性在5–6歲的1年間有顯著成長,年齡愈大,認知彈性的反應速度愈快;(2)控制年齡變項後,幼兒是否說謊與認知彈性無關,認知彈性主要與圓謊解釋的合理與否有關,認知彈性反應速度愈快的幼兒,說謊後愈能合理維護謊言。本研究的貢獻在於區分說謊行為成兩個向度,且發現幼兒是否自發性的說謊與其認知彈性無關,僅圓謊能力與認知彈性有關。



This study aimed to investigate the correlation between children’s lying behaviors and cognitive flexibility. It applied a quasi-experimental approach, observing whether children lie or not in a poker game experimental context. The children’s explanations for covering their lies were classified as reasonable or not. The modified NEPSY-II was used to measure the children’s cognitive flexibility. A total of 91 children aged 5–6 years, including 46 boys and 45 girls, enrolled in five private kindergartens in central Taiwan were recruited. Findings indicated that: (a) gender was not significantly related to children’s decision to tell lies or not and to the rationale for covering their lies; young children’s cognitive flexibility improved with age even within one year; (b) whether children lie or not was unrelated to their cognitive flexibility, and cognitive flexibility was mainly related to the reasonableness of their explanations. Children who could reasonably defend their lies displayed better cognitive flexibility. Findings support that it is important to examine children’s lying behaviors through two dimensions: whether children lie spontaneously or not and how they defend their lies.

Keywords: preschoolers; lying; cognitive flexibility

摘要 Abstract