
Call for Proposals
To participate in the conference, you may register as a presenter or a general participant (non-presenter).
To present, please submit a proposal for paper presentation or symposia by the respective submission deadlines.
Submission Guidelines
Please provide your author information in English in EasyChair. Regarding the title and abstract, depending on your presentation language, you can input English or Chinese.
Paper Presentations
Abstracts: Abstracts for paper presentation should be no more than 250 English words or 400 Chinese characters in length and should include the aims, methodology, results and conclusion. Please copy the abstract to the Abstract box and upload a PDF file of the abstract. The file must be in this format: A4 size, single spaced, 12 point font. Please note that for co-authored papers, only the principal/corresponding author needs to submit in EasyChair.
PDF file of Abstract: The PDF file must be a generated PDF, not scanned PDF. The names and affiliations of authors should not be included. The file should contain the sub-theme your paper intended to address (at the top), the paper title, keywords, and the abstract content.
Duration: Oral presentation should be limited to 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute Q&A and group discussion.
Language: The working languages of the conference are English and Chinese (Putonghua or Cantonese). The abstract should be in the same language as the oral presentation during the conference. Unanimous consent must be obtained from all the audience in the venue if there is a change of the presentation language.
Registration: At least one author of each abstract has to complete the online registration to ensure inclusion of the presentation in the conference programme. Registration fee can be paid after the abstract has been accepted. For a joint paper, principal author/corresponding author is to notify presenting co-author(s) or co-authors who want to be general participants to register and pay fee.
Best Paper Awards: Best Paper Awards shall be presented to the best papers. To participate in the Awards, an unpublished full paper should be submitted in addition to the abstract. The paper should be no more than 6,000 English words or 8,000 Chinese characters in length. Please repeat the sub-theme your paper intended to address (at the top) and the paper title. Again, the names and affiliations of authors should not be included.
Format: The symposia are scheduled for 90 minutes and will involve three to four individual presentations which are on a shared theme or topic. The symposium organizer should conceive and design the session to allow time for individual presentations and Q&A and/or audience discussion.
Abstracts: Symposium abstracts are of a maximum of 500 English words or 800 Chinese characters. Submissions also include summaries of 150 English words or 250 Chinese characters for each presentation/paper in a symposium, and allow for up to ten references for each presentation. References cited in the summaries must be set forth in the reference list. Please copy the symposium abstract to the Abstract box and upload a PDF file of the abstract and summaries of presentation/paper, with no names and affiliations of authors included in the file. The PDF file must be a generated PDF, not scanned PDF. The file must be in this format: A4 size, single spaced, 12 point font.
Registration: The symposium organizer has to complete the online registration to ensure inclusion of the presentation in the conference programme. Upon acceptance of the abstract, the symposium organizer shall pay the registration fee and inform all the presenters to register and pay their fees.
Language: The working languages of the conference are English and Chinese (Putonghua or Cantonese). The abstract should be in the same language as the oral presentation during the conference. Unanimous consent must be obtained from all the audience in the venue if there is a change of the presentation language.
Criteria for Acceptance
All abstracts will be evaluated for possible acceptance by the Abstract Review Committee. Relevance to the conference theme and sub-themes, originality, methodology and significance are among the major considerations in the acceptance of the abstracts. The committee reserves the right to decline proposals without assigning reasons.

Presentation Guidelines
Paper Presentation
Presentation time: 20 minutes (15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions)
Moderator (Automatically be assigned to the last presenter)
Fostering interesting discussion and helpful feedback on presentation.
Strictly enforce time limits.
Notify the speaker when there are 5 minutes left for the presentation.
Calling for questions from the conference floor.
If a presenter fails to show up, the session will resume with the next paper at the scheduled time. The time left can be used for discussion or recess.
Introduce yourself before starting the presentation.
Presenters must wrap up all presentation material or finish questions within the time allotted.
Symposium Presentation
Presentation time: 90 minutes will be allocated for 3-4 individual presentations.
Important Notes to Presenters
Declare your attendance to the conference staff before the session starts.
A projector and a desktop computer with Windows 10 and Office 2016 will be provided.
Save the presentation materials in a USB flash drive and bring it to the conference.
Presenters using their own notebook computers, especially mac, should bring an adaptor for video projection. A HDMI/VGA cable will be provided at the venue.
Print out and bring along your own handouts if you wish to provide materials for the audiences.
Should any problems or technical difficulties arise, please seek help from the conference staff.