
第51卷第1期(Vol. 51 No. 1)









摘要 Abstract






This study attempted to analyze the relationship among perceived teachers’ autonomy support, self-efficacy, and academic enjoyment of junior high school students. The study adopted a longitudinal study design and collected data from 7th grade junior high school students (N = 254, 137 boys). Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the results. The study found showed that: (a) the model of perceived teachers’ autonomy support, self-efficacy, and academic enjoyment constructed in this study well explained the empirical data observed; (b) the perceived teachers’ autonomy support of students (T1) enhanced their self-efficacy, and their self-efficacy (T2) positively predicted their academic enjoyment (T3). Based on the study findings, implications, practice for junior high school teaching, and further research were discussed.

Keywords: perceived teachers’ autonomy support; self-efficacy; academic enjoyment; longitudinal study; junior high school students

摘要 Abstract



本文根據科爾曼(J. S. Coleman)的社會資本論,探討家庭和學校創造的社會資本對香港學生生活滿意度及身心健康的影響。數據取自2020年在香港進行的國際研究「學童身心靈健康評估計劃」(Health Behaviour in School-aged Children, HBSC)。樣本來自21所小學和19所中學的5,307名學生,年齡約為11歲、13歲和15歲,分別就讀於小六、中一和中三。研究發現:雖然香港學生的成績在國際評估中一向名列前茅,但是其生活滿意度和自評健康狀態卻低於國際水平;而香港學生出現身體症狀的情況與HBSC國際水平相近,但香港學生所出現的情緒症狀比身體症狀較為嚴重。迴歸分析結果反映,在控制學生和家庭背景因素後,家庭和學校創造的社會資本均與生活滿意度及三個健康指標顯著相關,且比背景因素的相關度更大。這結果說明了學生的父母對子女的情感支援、教師對學生的關注、同學/朋友之間的接納都是影響學生生活滿意度及身心健康的重要社會資本。進一步分析顯示:家校創造的社會資本對學生生活滿意度的正面影響,可能可透過改善學生的身體健康和減少情緒症狀而達至。



Based on James Coleman’s social capital theory, this article examined the contributions of home-based and school-based social capital on students’ life satisfaction and physical and mental health in Hong Kong. Data were collected in 2020 from the international study of “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children” (HBSC) in Hong Kong. A total of 5,307 student of 11, 13, 15 years old from 21 primary schools and 19 secondary schools participated in the study. Results indicated that although Hong Kong students consistently showed outstanding academic performance in many international studies, the life satisfaction and self-rated health of Hong Kong students were consistently lower than the international average. Students’ psychological symptoms were more serious than their physiological symptoms. Results from regression analysis indicated that, after controlling for student and family background factors, social capital created at home and in school had significant effects on students’ life satisfaction and three health indicators; the effects of social capital are generally stronger than the background factors. These findings imply that parents’ emotional support, teachers’ concern, classmates and peers’ inclusiveness are important social capitals for improving life satisfaction and health of students. Further analysis indicated that the positive effect of home-school social capital on student’s life satisfaction might be mediated by improving student’s self-rated health, physiological and psychological symptoms.

Keywords: social capital; life satisfaction; physiological and psychological health; international assessment

摘要 Abstract



Self-determination theory posits that people with autonomous motivation orientation have better psychological well-being. Using well-validated questionnaires, in the present study we aimed at identifying factors in 814 Hong Kong grade 10–11 secondary school students’ non-academic activities participation associated with their psychological needs, personal-social development self-efficacy, and negative emotional symptoms like depression, anxiety, and stress. Findings showed that students who had higher involvement in non-academic activities (e.g., playing larger roles and more engagement) showed higher self-efficacy, psychological well-being, psychological needs satisfaction, and autonomous motivation but reported to have fewer negative emotional symptoms. However, the study also found that participating in too many non-academic activities could undermine self-efficacy and psychological well-being and provoke negative emotional symptoms. Structural equation modeling analyses demonstrated that students who were more satisfied with psychological needs and who perceived more autonomy support from instructors showed higher self-efficacy and psychological well-being, as well as lower depression, anxiety, and stress, which was further mediated by autonomous motivation. While students with higher socioeconomic status tended to spend more but engage less and use less time on non-academic activities than those with lower socioeconomic status, no significant difference was found in the self-efficacy, psychological well-being, and negative emotional symptoms between the two socioeconomic status groups. Thus, it is more important in the ways that students participated in non-academic activities, but not how much they had spent on them. The role and effective practices of different stakeholders in non-academic activities are discussed.

Keywords: non-academic activities; psychological well-being; personal-social development self-efficacy




摘要 Abstract



While having a purpose in life fosters optimal youth development, the attainment of this purpose would be implausible without appropriate resources. Employing structural equation modeling, this study aimed to understand the relations that purpose development (i.e., purpose commitment and exploration) had with external resources of support from significant others (i.e., family and peers) and internal resources of goal-oriented dispositions (i.e., hope and self-efficacy) among a sample of Chinese adolescents in Taiwan (N = 438). Specifically, this study investigated the double-mediation effect of hope and self-efficacy on the relationships between social support for youth’s interest and purpose development. Results revealed that all variables were positively correlated. In addition, direct and indirect paths were found between social support for interest and purpose development. The associations between social support for interest were partially mediated by hope. The roles of social support as well as hope in adolescent purpose development, possible explanations for the insignificant mediating effect of self-efficacy, and practical implications were discussed.

Keywords: adolescent; hope; life purpose; self-efficacy; social support




摘要 Abstract






The present study aimed to examine how university students’ retrieval of their autobiographical memories would be associated with meaning in life. A total of 459 students in Guangzhou City completed a survey about their characteristics of autobiographical memory, functions of autobiographical memory, and their levels of presence of meaning and search for meaning. Results showed that: (a) the high-quality characteristics of autobiographical memory positively predicted the presence of and search for meaning, as well as the functions of autobiographical memory; (b) the self-continuity and social-bonding functions of autobiographical memory mediated the effect of autobiographical memory characteristics on the search for meaning, but they did not mediate the effect on the presence of meaning; (c) the directing-behavior function of autobiographical memory mediated the effect of autobiographical memory characteristics on the search for meaning, as well as the effect on the presence of meaning. The implications of the current findings in life education were discussed.

Keywords: autobiographical memory characteristic; autobiographical memory function; meaning in life; university students; life education

摘要 Abstract



Over the recent decades, the topic of spirituality and health has attracted increasing research interest. Teaching has been recognized as a multi-faceted demanding profession. Particularly, spiritual well-being plays a vital role in cultivating quality of life; yet there is limited research investigating the impacts of spiritual well-being on teachers’ quality of life. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between teachers’ spiritual well-being and subjective quality of life in the Hong Kong context. Based on previous research, there is no universal standard to determine an “average” degree of spiritual well-being. Therefore, individual spiritual well-being can be better reflected through both the “ideals” and the “lived experience.” In this cross-sectional study, the sample consisted of 671 teachers from 22 primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong. Participants were asked about their ideals of spiritual well-being as measured by Life Orientation Measure and their lived experiences of spiritual well-being as measured by Spiritual Health Measure. The results of structural equation modeling suggested a difference between Life Orientation and Spiritual Health in the pattern of predicting psychological and social aspects of quality of life. This study further explored the associations between spiritual well-being and subjective quality of life by investigating the effects of discrepancies between Life Orientation and Spiritual Health in three domains, namely personal and communal, environmental, and transcendental. The results of the path analysis suggested that the discrepancies in the three domains significantly predicted the psychological and the social aspects of quality of life among teachers.

Keywords: spirituality; spiritual well-being; quality of life; teacher; Hong Kong




摘要 Abstract






Based on the framework of Job Demands-Resources model, this study quantitatively tested the multiple influential paths from job stress and work meaningfulness to health and wellness among school teachers in rural areas in the mainland of China. This study adopted convenient sampling and 723 schoolteachers participated. By building a full structural equation model, the motivational and direct predicting functions of personal resources were revealed. Both personal resources and work meaningfulness could offset the negative effects resulting from job stress on the exhaustion path. Further investigation of the moderating and mediating effect revealed that the personal meaningfulness and purpose could buffer job stress and protect occupational health. All the influential paths and mechanisms were explained by the meaning-making model. Several possible ways were proposed for enriching teachers’ personal meanings and building up their work meaningfulness. They might be helpful for teachers to get rid of work predicament and to move toward wellness.

Keywords: Job Demands-Resources model; school teachers in rural areas; occupational health and wellness; meaningfulness and purpose

摘要 Abstract



Well-being is closely related to health issues and thus has attracted a lot of research. As a member of society, the well-being of educators has been a common target of the study. Nonetheless, the well-being of educators has always been perceived from an individual perspective. From a macro perspective, well-being is relevant to functionalism and can be further linked with manipulating an individual body. Nonetheless, studies connecting well-being with these two areas are inadequate, especially in the context of educators. Therefore, this theoretical article aimed to bridge the academic gap by examining the relationship between well-being, functionalism, and control. This article argued that members of society, including educators, are inclined to be unconsciously manipulated by well-being. While educators at all educational levels should be alert of the impacts of their well-being on students, this article also urged them to recognize more on the importance of pursuing well-being at an appropriate level and show more concern toward others’ well-being.

Keywords: well-being; functionalism; body manipulation; control




摘要 Abstract