Academic Books
Since its establishment, the HKIER has endeavoured to circulate and transfer knowledge of research ideas and scholarly outputs through publishing academic books, aiming to promote educational knowledge and practices. There are four series of academic books: Educational Studies Series, Instructional References, Research Monographs, and Educational Books. Over 20 titles have been published.
Educational Studies Series

Developing Teachers and Developing Schools in Changing Contexts
Edited by John Chi-kin Lee & Ling-po Shiu

Globalization: Educational Research, Change and Reform
Edited by Nicholas Sun-keung Pang
Instructional References

Shared Path, Synchronized Steps: Collection of Wisdom on Parent Education
(mainly in Chinese)
Edited by To Siu-ming, Amy Iu, Tsoi Koon-wah, & Chan Ting-sam
[January 2011]

Extra-curricular Activities: Investigation and Management
(mainly in Chinese)
Edited by Tsang Wing-hong, Hung Chor-ying, & Chu Wai-ling
Educational Books

School Improvement: Theory and Practice
(in Chinese)
By Chiu Chi-shing, Ho Bik-yue, Zhang Jiawei,& Li Man-ho
[January 2013]

Student Learning Assessment
By Esther Sui-chu Ho
[September 2012]
Research Monographs

Multilevel Analysis of the PISA Data: Insights for Policy and Practice
Edited by Esther Sui Chu HO
[March 2013]

Morphological Ability of Secondary School Students
(in Chinese)
By Ho Man-koon
[January 2011]