Research Monographs

Multilevel Analysis of the PISA Data: Insights for Policy and Practice
Edited by Esther Sui Chu HO
About the book
Multilevel analysis can help to get deeper insights into factors that may have impact on schooling outcomes assessed in PISA. In this book, multilevel analysis is applied by linking student performance to the structure and processes of both the family and the school, the two major social contexts that exert powerful influence on young people. Essential/important policy issues including parental involvement, school decentralization, and medium of instruction are examined, and the possible relationship between these policies and student’s achievement in light of the evidence collected in the first three cycles of the PISA study is explored.
Besides, appreciating how researchers have used multilevel analysis in a variety of ways would be an effective path to learn it. The analysis in this book will add significantly to the storehouse of knowledge about the application of multilevel analysis in assessing the quality and equality of education in East Asian societies. The findings thereof would also serve as useful references for researchers, policymakers, school administrators, and teachers.
About the Editor
Esther Sui Chu HO is Professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Policy, Co-Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, and Director of the Hong Kong Centre for International Student Assessment at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is also Principal Investigator of the Home School Collaboration Project. She has previously been a teacher in Hong Kong, a Fulbright Scholar at Pennsylvania State University and Johns Hopkins University, a research associate in South China, a teaching assistant and research assistant at the University of British Columbia, and a teaching consultant of the World Bank. Her research interests focus on parental involvement in children’s education, home-school community collaboration, school effectiveness and school reform, decentralization and school-based management, research methodology in education, multilevel analysis in international assessment research.
March 2013, ISBN 978-962-8908-44-8
229 x 152 mm, 292 pages, paperback, HK$150

何萬貫 著
2011年1月,ISBN 978-962-8908-37-0
229 x 152 mm,192頁,平裝,HK$85