
Call for Proposals

Submit Abstracts

Please submit via Easychair after reading the following guidelines carefully.

Submission Guidelines

Paper submission

The working language of the conference will be in English and Chinese (Cantonese and Putonghua). Abstracts should be submitted in the same language as the presentation language. The length for abstracts in English should be no more than 250 words, while Chinese abstracts should be within 400 characters. An additional 50 words can be used for references. The content should include the aim of the study, methodology, results and conclusion.

Abstracts should be submitted through EasyChair by principal / corresponding author. Please prepare a PDF file for the abstract (not a scanned PDF) and upload it to the Abstract Box.

Format requirement

  • Anonymous (do not include the names and affiliations of authors)

  • State the sub-theme of the paper intended to address (at the top)

  • A4 size

  • Single-spaced

  • 12 point font

Additional requirements for symposium submission

Each symposium session will be of 90 minutes and should consist of 3 - 4 papers on a related theme. A symposium abstract should include an overview of the topic of the proposed symposium (with 150 words in length). It should also include an abstract for each proposed paper in the symposium (following the requirements on paper presentation format).

Reviewing criteria for symposia

  • Clarity of the focus of research

  • Originality of the symposium proposal

  • Rigour and coherence of the symposium and its individual papers

  • Significance of the research for educational practice, policy, or theory

Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Guidelines PDF available for download here