

No. 1




ISBN 962–8077–05–8

No. 2



ISBN 962–8077–07–4

No. 3


ISBN 962–8077–08–2

No. 4

「優質學校教育」應是革新抑或是改進? 彭新強

ISBN 962–8077–09–0

No. 5


量度優質學校產出指標:甚難解決的眾多問題 侯傑泰

「知易行難」:《七號報告書》實施的三個問題 林智中

從教育財政學角度看《七號報告書》建議的學校撥款新制度 陳玉楷

ISBN 962–8077–10–4

No. 6

教育質素及其有關政策的協調性 黃顯華

ISBN 962–8077–11–2

No. 7


ISBN 962–8077–12–0

No. 8



ISBN 962–8077–13–9

No. 9

With changes in the world economic system, Hong Kong is increasing its role as a financial and service centre. This shift calls for new work systems and requirements. The educational system, which is the major provider of workforce, has to respond to these changes. This paper discusses how the educational system and schools in Hong Kong could change to meet the needs of the changing society. It will draw on experience with the Accelerated Schools Project in the US.

ISBN 962–8077–15–5
48 pages

No. 10

「九年免費強迫教育研究」的結果顯示了令人非常擔心的事實 ── 不少學童在小學三年級已開始遇到學習困難,且失去學習興趣。研究報告認為,出現上述困境是因七十年代期間,本港的學校教育制度由篩選發展至普及的過渡期太短,無論是政府和教育界都缺乏對此過渡期的本質作深刻的分析,特別是關於教育工作者在教育和教學信念上應有的轉變的分析。


從個別差異與學習動機分析普及教育課程的性質 黃顯華

個別差異與教學適應 韓孝述

普及教育下的學習動機:理論與教學方法探索 趙志成、黃顯華

ISBN 962–8077–14–7

No. 11


ISBN 962–8077–16–3

No. 12



ISBN 962–8077–17–1

No. 13

《中學教學語言指引》推行至今,其中一個最明顯的不良後果就是它制度化了英文中學的優越地位,更嚴重的就是它把這種優越地位只頒予少數的中學,結果就造成一種高度的精英主義。在一百一十四間中學被欽准可以採用英語授課的同時,一種不均等以至不公平的現象亦隨之而在香港中學制度內形成,這是指:英文中學學位 ── 這種家長普遍認為較佳的選擇,是極不足、不均等以至不公平地分佈在香港中學學位分配制度內的十八個學校網之間。本文根據從《1996/98年度中學學位分配十八個學校網的中學一覽表》整理出來的數據作分析,以展示這個不足和不均等的現象,並探討其影響。

ISBN 962–8077–18–X

No. 14



ISBN 962–8077–19–8

No. 15

Education that serves a stable environment and education that serves a changing environment are two different creatures. The present transformation of the global economy requires countries like Hong Kong to shift the production from commodities to highly tailored goods and services. But, an educational system that emphasizes memorization and examinations is designed to transfer a received tradition of knowledge rather than to generate new knowledge and behavior that can adapt to change. This presentation introduced several theories from economics that address the role that education can play in a dynamic and changing economy.

At bottom these theories and empirical evidence suggest a shift from school activities that emphasize memorization and examinations to one based upon more active learning modes, projects, research, and creative endeavors. In particular, the Accelerated Schools Project was proposed as one example of the type of initiative that can assist Hong Kong to transform its schools in this direction

ISBN 962–8077–20–1
34 pages

No. 16

本文嘗試從英美等西方國家的教育改革歷程,剖析香港的教育政策發展忽略了「家長」這有待開發的資源的問題,從而指出家長的參與不但是最具成本效益的教育資源,更可使教育達致「卓越」── 為學童提供「優質」及「均等」的教育。文章第一節剖析為何第三波的教育改革被視為家長及社區全面參與的浪潮。第二節澄清家長參與的概念,依據理論和實證研究,建構出一個綜合模式。第三節嘗試採用布德奧的「文化資本」及科爾曼的「社會資本」的概念,研究家庭資源與家校合作的關係,並分析不同類型的家長參與及不同形式的資本對學生學習成效的影響。基於這些初步分析,最後提出在香港開展家校合作及政策的幾點建議。

ISBN 962–8077–21–X

No. 17

This paper argues that national education systems worldwide are beginning to succumb to a single paradigm policy solution. In various local forms the combination of market disciplines and managerial methods are being used to reform and re-form education. Institutional competition and government target-setting work to reorient and remake the work of teachers towards the needs of international economic competition. However, it is suggested that there is more to reform than improvements in "quality" and greater efficiency. In the processes of change what it means to be a teacher is also changed. The "authentic" teacher, whose practice is based upon the values of "service" and a shared moral language which provides for reflection, dialogue and debate, is being replaced by the "reformed" teacher, whose practice is based upon the achievement of targets and the calculation of "costs" in relation to outputs. Within all this schools will become whatever it seems necessary to become in order to flourish in the market. The heart of the educational project is gouged out and left empty.

ISBN 962–8077–22–8
44 pages

No. 18

In all our societies, technological and social changes are causing a reconsideration of a wide range of national, institutional and personal activities. Basic to all these consideration is the reform of the education process which is crucial to economic development, social and civic development and personal development. This reform in education is continuing at all levels and in all institutions. However central to all these is the reform of secondary education which acts as a bridge between education as a whole and society. The nature of this reform is being pursued in many countries. This paper summarises some of the major directions to be pursued at the international, national and institutional levels.

ISBN 962–8077–23–6
68 pages

No. 19

Teaching and learning are primarily an internal process as messages are coded and decoded through intrapsychological processes. These codes are culturally learned so the greater the cultural differences the more difficult the teaching/learning process. This article reviews the central importance of cultural context in defining quality education. Twelve specific quality-related aspects of culture-centered education are presented. The role of culture in self-identity is discussed and the importance of internal dialogue to identity formation is demonstrated.

ISBN 962–8077–27–9
58 pages

No. 20


ISBN 962–8077–28–7