

Developing Teachers and Developing Schools in Changing Contexts

Edited by John Chi-kin Lee & Ling-po Shiu

About the book

More than ever, schools are regarded as a learning community in which its leaders, and therefore the school’s primary agents of change, are expected to stay abreast of the latest developments in education and instruction. This book provides important insights for improving professional development activities, school-university partnerships and networks, educational management, as well as teaching and learning in schools and colleges. It builds on research conducted in the 1990s, during which the pursuit of school improvement and skill development first converged.

2008, ISBN 978-962-996-377-4
229 x 152 mm, 452 pages, paperback, HK$180

Globalization: Educational Research, Change and Reform

Edited by Nicholas Sun-keung Pang

About the book

This book is a collection of papers that search for the very meaning of globalization and its implications on education. It explores the connections between globalization and its impacts on educational reforms in the 21st century. Drawing upon the wisdom and experience of a vast number of experts who have been intimately involved in important educational reforms in countries all over the world, this book is filled with insight with regard to coping with the challenges arising from globalization. This is an indispensable reference for professional educators, educational researchers and policy makers alike.

ISBN-13: 978-962-996-268-5; ISBN-10: 962-996-268-3
328 pages, paperback, HK$180

Values Education for Citizens in the New Century

Edited by Roger Hon-man Cheng, John Chi-kin Lee, & Leslie Nai-kwai Lo

About the book

The book is a collection of papers by experts in education in various places of the world on the theory and practice of values education in global contexts. The chapters are divided into three parts, which respectively deal with theoretical exploration, varieties, and issues in values education for citizens. The current issues in Australia, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Macau, and Thailand are discussed, leading us to the important question of how commonly shared values and multiculturalism can be balanced in values education. The book will be a valuable and useful reference for the professional community of education in general and values education in particular.

ISBN 962-996-153-9
384 pages, paperback, HK$180


曾榮光 編著




ISBN 962-996-273-X

Partnership and Change: Toward School Development

Edited by John Chi-kin Lee, Leslie Nai-kwai Lo & Allan Walker

About the book

This book provides an international perspective on the issues related to school partnerships and development. It is broadly divided into two parts: Part One focuses on university-school partnership while Part Two highlights changes in school development. The chapters in this book illustrate the nature of different partnerships as well as experiences of and research on school development in connection with individual strategies and organizational strategies.

ISBN 962-996-113-X
384 pages, paperback, HK$180

變革中的兩岸德育與公民教育 (修訂版)

劉國強、謝均才 編



ISBN 962-996-223-3


黃顯華、孔繁盛 編



本書的目的是探討三地在課程發展、教師專業發展和夥伴協作三方面的經驗。文章的作者有來自幼稚園及中小學的資深教師,也有大學教育學教授。內容則包括推行藝術教育及專題研習課程的經驗、學校本位評鑑、幼稚園全語文課程改革、親師夥伴關係,以及教師專業化與教師公會等。本書對於研究三地教育發展的專家學者及中小學 幼稚園教師,十分有參考價值。

ISBN 962-996-098-2

Future School Administration: Western and Asian Perspectives

Edited by Clive Dimmock & Allan Walker

About the book

The book brings together a wealth of original and insightful materials by scholars and practitioners in the field of education from diverse cultural backgrounds. Current issues of education, including school performance; school effectiveness, leadership and management, design and improvement; and the globalisation and internationalisation of local policies and policy reforms, are discussed from both Western and Asian cultural perspectives, showing both the similarities and differences of school leadership in these two worlds.

In addressing the nature and the implications of these important issues from macro-system to micro-school levels, the book constitutes an invaluable resource for academics, policy makers, and practitioners alike.

ISBN 962-201-917-X
342 pages, paperback, HK$250


黃顯華 編




ISBN 962-201-830-0

Helping Students with Learning Difficulties

Edited by David W. Chan

About the book

Helping students with learning difficulties has been a perennial issue in special education in Hong Kong. The authors address in this book the important questions in the field with reference to the Hong Kong setting, including:

  • How can the development of special education in Hong Kong be understood in the light of the pursuit of equity and excellence?

  • What progress has been made in the provision of services in special education in Hong Kong?

  • How can such progress be evaluated effectively?

  • What lessons can be learned from the developments and provision of services in other societies, such as the United Kingdom, mainland China, and Taiwan?

  • How do students with learning difficulties in Hong Kong and their teachers perceive themselves?

  • How can the special needs of these students be met, and what works in North America?

  • What forms of educational instructional practice can offer new possibilities for helping students with learning difficulties?

  • What are our vision and tasks for the 21st century?

This book will be a good introduction to special education in Hong Kong. It is intended to be a source book for practitioners and educators who want a better understanding of the current issues and strategies in helping students with learning difficulties.

ISBN 962-201-818-1
222 pages, paperback, HK$250


周漢光 編



ISBN 962-201-817-3

The Pursuit of School Effectiveness:
Research, Management, and Policy

Edited by Yin-cheong Cheng

About the book

This book is a summary of the author's recent thinking about research, practice, and policy on school effectiveness. It aims to provide a comprehensive theoretical support to explain the complex nature of school effectiveness, direct policy efforts for successful school reforms, guide school practices, and develop research strategies and agenda.

This book covers some major areas including the basic theory of school effectiveness, the research strategies for studying school effectiveness and administration, the conception and influence of organizational culture in school, the pursuit of education quality, the management and effectiveness of moral and civic education in school, the self-management for school effectiveness, the analysis of education policy for school effectiveness, the policy developments on school effectiveness and improvement in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China, and the school-based management mechanisms for pursuing school effectiveness.

ISBN 962-8077-01-5
264 pages, paperback, HK$240

Research and Endeavours in Moral & Civic Education

Edited by Leslie Nai-kwai Lo and Man Si-wai

About the book

Moral and civic education crystallizes many important and controversial themes in education across disciplines. It is closely related to values debates at both the conceptual and practical levels. This volume contains original studies which run the gamut of interests from modernism to postmodernism, from global perspective to cultural relativity, and from ideological to institutional aspects of moral and civic education.

The articles presented in this volume are a timely contribution to our understanding of moral and civic education. While the topics of interests and scope of investigation may vary from one article to the next, the diversity of the authors' cultural and social backgrounds should afford insights into the various dimensions of moral and civic education. Together, they should provide useful information about the dynamics of this rich and complex field of educational endeavors.

ISBN 962-8077-03-1
310 pages, paperback, HK$210


鄭燕祥 著




ISBN 962-8077-02-3


劉國強、李瑞全 編




ISBN 962-8077-04-X

