

No. 41

This paper outlines the nature of the primary linguistic activities of listening and speaking and the secondary linguistic activities of reading and writing. There are common linguistic principles of parity, classification and segmentation in learning to read English and Chinese. The paper then provides a perspective on language learning by Chinese students in Hong Kong. The need to help children as active learners is emphasised.

ISBN 962–8077–51–1
42 pages, paperback, HK$15

No. 42

In the modern, rapidly changing society it is difficult, not to say impossible, to predict what specific competencies a person would need during his or her lifetime. The implications of this for the school curriculum are spelled out in this paper. Education has to be regarded as a lifelong process of recurrent acquisitions of knowledge and competencies. The basic school has to focus on general education, particularly on skills to acquire knowledge which can be applied to a broad spectrum of, largely unforeseen, situation. The qualification structure is also changing from a pyramid-like to an egg-shaped one which means that a high level of qualifications is needed for a larger proportion of the population.

ISBN 962–8077–52–X
34 pages, paperback, HK$15

No. 43

Combining universal access to school with excellence has been a historic dilemma in U.S. schools. This dynamic tension is appearing in other nations as well as information age occupations demand highly literate workforces.

Schools have adopted multilevel reform efforts to meet the challenges of educating today's children. These include: changes in teacher preparation; high expectations for teacher behaviors in the classroom; curriculum standards; state accountability measures; development of alternative public school models; pilot tests of alternative funding mechanisms for private schools; differential staffing in schools, and the use of high technology to individualize learning.

The goal of providing all children with successful learning experiences is critical from both political and economic necessities. This paper explores the vital ingredients of high performance schools that are, in fact, inclusive. The final argument is that student welfare must be considered holistically with special attention to happiness, relatedness, and self-efficacy.

ISBN 962–8077–53–8
54 pages, paperback, HK$15

No. 44


ISBN 962–8077–55–4

No. 45

20世紀80年代中期以後,通過大學與學校的夥伴合作以提升學校教育和教師教育的素質,既在理論上引起關注,也在實踐上進行過不少嘗試。本文簡單回顧了這一課題出現的背景,闡述了支持大學與學校夥伴合作這一理念較具影響力的團體或學者(如Holmes Group和Goodlad)的觀點,並從學校教師的角度(如合作可能為教師帶來的好處、教師面臨的衝突、教師的專業發展與變革等),總結了一些實證研究。文章亦對大學與學校夥伴合作中的一些問題(如合作式的探究)作了分析。

ISBN 962–8077–56–2

No. 46

A standard nostrum for higher education economists, consultants, and policy advisors is the recommendation that universities and other higher educational institutions (especially but not exclusively in the less industrialized countries) lessen their revenue dependence on governments, or taxpayers. The prescription is easy to rationalize, and is theoretically — and even practically — virtually unassailable. However, there are also significant limitations in a revenue diversification policy, especially in the less industrialized world where the need for such a policy may be most compelling. These limitations go far beyond the ideological distaste that many have for the neo-liberal economic medicines of cost sharing and privatization, and extend to certain technical and strategic dilemmas that confound even the staunchest believer in tuitions, privatization, and student lending. This paper will discuss some of these technical difficulties, especially of making cost sharing and student lending work in developing countries, and provide some "cautions" and a few recommendations.

ISBN 962–8077–57–0
46 pages, paperback, HK$15

No. 47


ISBN 962–8077–61–9

No. 48


本文認為,這一輪的課程改革措施無論在適切性或質素上均存在問題,對政策的實施也欠缺周詳的考慮,以致學校和教師均難以適應。事實上,這次課程改革可算是翻天覆地的大革新,複雜程度十分高,除牽涉範式的轉移外,亦涉獵太多層面,推行的時間過於倉卒。可惜的是,課程發展當局對改革的「複雜性」未有妥善處理,亦忽略了成功的關鍵 ── 學校文化。這些都是值得課程政策規劃者深思的項目。

ISBN 962–8077–62–7

No. 49


ISBN 962–8077–66–X

No. 50


ISBN 962–8077–68–6

No. 51


ISBN 962–8077–78–3

No. 52


ISBN 962–8077–80–5

No. 53


ISBN 962–8077–81–3

No. 54


ISBN 962–8077–82–1

No. 55

本文根據國際學生評估計劃(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)中有關閱讀能力的評估內容,指出PISA所評估的閱讀能力概念和範疇,與本港中、小學中國語文科中所訂定的閱讀目標並不完全相同。而檢視本港中、小學新、舊中國語文科課程,發現所謂的語文能力其實與文學方面的要求有很強的關係。面對21世紀的資訊社會,有必要重新思考「語文能力」這概念的含意。

ISBN 962–8077–84–8

No. 56

本文旨在從國際學生評估計劃(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)來剖析香港中學生的自主學習程度,並採用多層迴歸分析來了解自主學習與學習成效的關係。研究發現,在九個自主學習指數中,有六個與學生的閱讀、數學及科學成績呈顯著的正相關;此外,除了「競爭學習」這指數外,香港中學生採用自主學習策略的程度均低於其他國家。

ISBN 962–8077–85–6

No. 57

"Can schools simultaneously achieve high academic standard and foster equal educational opportunity?" This article attempts to address this issue by investigating the performance of 15-year-old secondary school students in Hong Kong. First, it will review the quality of secondary school system by assessing the overall performance on reading, mathematics, and science. Then it will assess the equality of educational outcomes by examining the achievement gap between students from different social backgrounds. The results suggest that Hong Kong's education system has achieved both excellence and equality of opportunity when compared with other countries. However, there are also serious academic and social segregation among schools.

ISBN 962–8077–89–9
40 pages, paperback, HK$20

No. 58

The PISA 2000 assessments of performance by 15-year-olds revealed wide differences among countries, and between schools and students within countries. However, the results achieved by students in Finland, Canada, Hong Kong, Korea, and Japan indicate that it is possible to combine high performance standards with an equitable distribution of learning outcomes. Nevertheless, even the countries that performed well overall in the 2000 PISA assessments have areas for concern. In almost all countries, there is a significant minority of students who performed at reading literacy level 1 or below. Important pointers for policy that emerge from the results include building students' engagement with reading and school more generally, focusing on learning outcomes rather than educational inputs, providing schools with the authority for organizing their own programs and holding them accountable for the results, and reducing the extent of social and educational differentiation among schools.

ISBN 962–8077–90–2
84 pages, paperback, HK$30

No. 59


ISBN-13: 978–962–8077–95–3; ISBN-10: 962–8077–95–3

No. 60

The relationship between public and private interests in education has been a recurrent topic of debate in the United States and elsewhere. Why should taxpayers be compelled to pay for the education of other people's children? This paper will review the traditional economic arguments for public schooling, which identify the primary collective benefit from compulsory education as preparing students to participate in a stable and democratic society. The paper will explain the particular sense in which economists use the terms "public" or "collective." It will discuss collective benefits from higher education, and also examine whether increasing individual incomes or aggregate economic growth should be considered collective goods. This discussion is intended to dispel some current misconceptions about what economic theory says with regard to efficient provision of schooling.

ISBN-13: 978–962–8077–99–1; ISBN-10: 962–8077–99–6
52 pages, paperback, HK$20