
第49卷第2期(Vol. 49 No. 2)





本研究採量化測試方法,探討香港少數族裔小學生的中文字形知識、轉寫能力與寫作表現的關係。研究對象為小四(n = 34)和小六(n = 37)兩級共71位學生。研究結果反映香港少數族裔小學生的中文轉寫能力與寫作表現的關係密切。在兩種轉寫能力中,以拼寫的影響較書寫大,拼寫的影響會由小四維持至小六,覆蓋整個小學階段;而書寫只對小四的寫作篇幅有顯著影響。另一方面,學生的轉寫能力不足,是受到字形知識所影響;在三種字形知識中,以表意部件的影響最為顯著,表意部件會通過轉寫能力影響學生的寫作表現。最後,本研究從寫作範疇的角度,在課程和教學兩方面提出建議,從而探討幫助提升香港少數族裔學生寫作能力的方法。



This study incorporated quantitative testing to explore the relationship between Chinese orthographic knowledge, transcription skills and writing performance on ethnic minority primary students in Hong Kong. A total of 71 students (34 Primary 4 and 37 Primary 6 students) participated in this study. This study found that there was a strong relationship between transcription skills and writing performance on ethnic minority children in Hong Kong. Among the two transcription skills, spelling was found to affect writing performance more than handwriting skills, with spelling affecting students from primary 4 through 6, covering the entire period of primary education. Handwriting skills were found to have a significant effect toward the writing productivity in primary 4 students only. On the other hand, the students’ poor transcription skills have direct relationship with their lack of Chinese orthographic knowledge. Within the three aspects of orthographic knowledge, knowledge of semantic radical was the most important. Semantic radical knowledge affected students’ writing performance through their transcription skills. Lastly, recommendations were given to writing, both as a curriculum and as a teaching pedagogy, to help raise ethnic minority children’s writing performance in Hong Kong.

Keywords: teaching Chinese as a second language; writing; transcription; orthographic knowledge

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Systemic functional linguistics emphasizes on the system and functions of language, and it suggests that language education should help students learn the system of language and how to apply it in communication appropriately. This empirical research analyzed the authentic materials of 59 non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students through quantitative and qualitative analysis. The research findings discovered the weak performance of NCS students in practical writing, especially in the aspects of tenor, mode, conjunction, and grammar. Other problems included the insufficiency in the genre knowledge, inability to understand the writing purpose and structure of certain genre, incomplete steps and phases, lack of the concept of context, limited vocabulary, and the language form affected by English grammar as the result of negative transfer in second language. This research not only studied their practical writing performance but also introduced a new scoring scheme of Chinese writing developed based on systemic functional linguistics. Therefore, teachers and researchers can understand students’ writing difficulties and learning needs from the perspectives of context, discourse, grammar and presentation, and develop specific teaching design or relevant strategies to improve the writing ability of second language learners.

Keywords: systemic functional linguistics; non-Chinese speaking students; practical Chinese writing; second language writing; assessment

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This research examined how the core concepts of geometry, learning strategies and mathematics anxiety predict geometry learning achievements, and whether various variables can explain students’ learning achievements at different levels of geometric thinking. A total of 108 children (aged 10–11) completed the tests of van Hiele geometric thinking levels, prior knowledge in geometry, and geometry learning achievement, as well as assessments of mathematics learning strategies, core concepts of geometry, and mathematics anxiety. Of them, 78 children were identified as Level 1 (n = 40) or Level 2 learners (n = 38) according to the van Hiele geometric thinking levels. Eight lessons of this study were conducted, and the content of each lesson was based on a unit of geometry. Results indicated that mathematics anxiety and mathematics learning strategy explained the geometry learning achievement of Level 1 and Level 2 learners respectively. These results highlight the different factors affecting geometry learning achievement of Level 1 and Level 2 learners and the importance of mathematics anxiety and mathematics learning strategy to learners’ performance in geometry learning.

Keywords: core concepts of geometry; learning achievement; learning strategy; mathematics anxiety; van Hiele geometric thinking levels


本研究探討幾何核心概念、學習策略、數學焦慮如何預測幾何學習成就,以及各變項能否解釋不同幾何思考層次學生的學習成就。研究共有108名學生(10–11歲)參與,他們完成van Hiele幾何思考層次、幾何先備知識、幾何學習成就等測驗,以及數學學習策略、幾何核心概念和數學焦慮量表。根據van Hiele幾何思考層次測驗,共有78名學生分別屬幾何思考層次第一級(n = 40)和第二級(n = 38)。本研究共進行八堂課,每堂課的內容為不同的幾何單元。研究結果發現,數學焦慮和數學學習策略分別是影響幾何思考層次第一級和第二級學生幾何學習成就的關鍵因素,結果突顯了影響幾何思考層次第一級和第二級學習者幾何學習成就的不同因素,以及數學焦慮和數學學習策略影響學習者幾何學習成就的重要性。

關鍵詞:幾何核心概念;學習成效;學習策略;數學焦慮;van Hiele幾何思考層次

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近年來積木式程式語言廣泛運用於各教育階段資訊課程,提供學習者導入程式語言學習的環境。本研究以後設分析法探討積木式程式設計教學對不同教育階段學生學習成效的影響,包含程式設計能力、問題解決、運算思維和學習動機,並探討影響學習成效的變項。本研究透過系統化文獻資料蒐集和篩選,針對2003至2021年37篇已發表的文獻共5,430名樣本進行分析。研究結果顯示積木式程式設計教學的整體效果量為中效果量(0.33),在程式設計能力、問題解決、運算思維和學習動機上皆有正向效果,支持積木式程式設計對學生學習有效。再者,程式設計能力受「教學時間」、「專案類型」和「研究地區」調節變項作用而有差異:問題解決能力受「專案類型」調節;運算思維受「研究地區」調節;學習動機則受「實驗人數」、「積木式程式設計環境」、「專案類型」、「研究地區」調節。本研究結果可作不同教育 階段運用積木式程式語言教學的參考。



Block-based programming is receiving attention in different educational stages. It provides learners with the access to introductory computer science courses. This meta-analysis study aimed to examine the effects of block-based programming, comparing to traditional instruction, on students’ learning outcomes, including programming skills, problem-solving skills, computational thinking, and learning motivation. Database search yielded 37 publications with 5,430 samples. Results indicated that block-based programming had a significantly larger effect size than did traditional instruction for overall learning outcomes (0.33). More specifically, we found positive effect sizes for programming skills, problem-solving skills, computational thinking, and learning motivation. These study findings indicated the benefits of block-based programming education for students’ learning outcomes. “Study duration,” “project types,” and “research areas” as moderator variables had statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in students’ programming skill. “Project types” had statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in problem-solving skills. “Research areas” had statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in computational thinking skills. Moreover, “sample size,” “block-based programming languages,” “research areas,” and “project types” had also statistically significant impacts on the mean effect size in students’ learning motivation. The findings helped teachers implement block-based programming instruction for facilitating students’ learning outcomes for students in different education stages.

Keywords: programming; meta-analysis; block-based programming; leaning outcomes

摘要 Abstract






This study examined the multicultural content of a physical and health education textbook for Malaysian first-grade students from the perspectives of gender equality, ethnic diversity, and inclusive education. Qualitative content analysis was adopted to analyze the multicultural content of the book, aiming to provide suggestions for improvement. First, the research found that the textbook deliberately maintained a quantitative balance in the arrangement of gender images. In terms of content presentation, images related to sport events exhibited no gender bias, whereas images related to health knowledge exhibited a certain degree of gender stereotypes. Second, the textbook basically presented the social reality of Malaysia’s diverse ethnic groups and highlighted the proportion of images depicting non-mainstream ethnic groups among all ethnic groups. However, discussions on the contents of ethnic groups were insufficient. Third, although few images and little content depicted disabled students, the inclusion of images of such students was a good example of the implementation of inclusive education. Based on these findings, this study had the following suggestions: (a) the presentation of diverse ethnic groups in the textbook’s content should be based on the multicultural view of harmonious development among ethnic groups, and overemphasizing the mainstream group’s ideology should be avoided; (b) the implementation of inclusive education should be based on the idea that disabled students should be treated the same as non-disabled students; (c) gender content should be written from the perspective of gender equality, thus eliminating gender stereotypes in terms of image proportion and content presentation.

Keywords: multiculture; physical and health education textbook; textbook analysis

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Makers studying at university are the main powerful pioneers for developing innovative knowledge society. This research aimed to construct a feasible model of maker teaching, to explore the differences of learning perception of the maker instructional model, and to develop the subsequent process of product creation. Nonequivalent pretest-posttest designs of the quasi-experimental research was employed. Research participants included 132 college students from three classes of creativity-related courses, who participated a 6-week experiment. They were divided into the experimental group and two control groups. A questionnaire was employed to test their differences of learning perception. Results found that: (a) for the maker instructional model, CEO-I2M2E2-SF, a collaborative constructive relationship should be built between instructor and makers; (b) in terms of the performances of learning perception under the maker instructional model, significant differences were found in the dimensions of creativity, creative problem solving, and maker instructional design; (c) there were educational and marketing values in the subsequent process of product creation by makers.

Keywords: maker; instructional design; maker instructional model; creative problem solving

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Post-secondary education (PSE) is widely regarded as a critical vehicle for upward social mobility for Hong Kong youth. Access to PSE is tightly linked with the socioeconomic status and cultural capital of an individual. Hence, different educational backgrounds lead to different educational and career pathways and life chances. However, students from affluent families tend to have better upward mobility opportunities than those from underprivileged backgrounds. Different factors will affect different student groups’ access to PSE. There are relatively few empirical studies conducted on this area. In response, this research investigated the success and obstacle factors affecting access to PSE among the Hong Kong mainstream students, Chinese immigrant students (CIS), and non-Chinese speaking (NCS) ethnic minority (South/Southeast Asian) students. A mixed-method was employed. The survey study was conducted with 5,014 senior secondary students from 23 secondary schools in Hong Kong between October 2018 and May 2019. Contrary to expectations, findings reveal that Hong Kong mainstream students scored significantly lower in the relative functionalism and glass ceiling factors than their non-mainstream CIS and NCS counterparts. Despite encountering fewer financial and language barriers, Hong Kong mainstream senior secondary students were less optimistic about the promise of their PSE credentials. In contrast, NCS students reported a significant level of optimism about PSE’s value, and greater concerns about the challenges in overcoming the Chinese language and ethnic cultures than their Chinese peers. Both the reasons behind the essential findings and their implications for policy development were discussed.

Keywords: post-secondary education; glass ceiling; mainstream student; Chinese immigrant student; ethnic minority student

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This article describes how Taiwanese children studying in a Taiwanese overseas school in China negotiated, (re)formed, and created their identities. As 1.5- and 2nd-generation migrants, those Taiwanese students accommodated, connected, reconnected, and made sense of their border-crossing living and learning experiences between Taiwan and China. A total of 21 students, 1 parent, and 7 faculty participated in this study. They expressed multiple identities with regard to rational and instrumental purposes. Their inner self-identities were deeply rooted by the affective belongingness of Taiwan and diaspora experience of living in China. Students remixed various elements from their cross-strait and cross-cultural living experiences into their own identity (re)formation process. Their practical wisdoms about identity not only differed from their elder Taiwanese businesspersons, but also shed light on theoretical discussions of identity.

Keywords: Taiwanese businesspersons’ children; transmigrants; identity; overseas schools




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Previous studies have indicated that conditions of teaching environment and principal’s leadership are associated with teachers’ job satisfaction (TJS). Moreover, in recent years, in order to promote teaching professional development, teachers’ professional learning communities (PLC) have been established one after another. In view of the fact that TJS is influential to teaching quality, the study aimed to construct a model to explore how environmental obstacles (EO), principal’s transformational leadership (PTL) and PLC influenced TJS. In the study, the data of PISA 2015 (Programme for International Student Assessment 2015) involving 2,436 senior high school teachers in Taiwan were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling (SEM) and model stability. Results showed that: (a) EO had a negative significant impact on PLC and TJS; (b) PTL had a positive significant impact on PLC and TJS; (c) PLC had a positive significant impact on TJS; (d) the mediating effect of PLC on the influence of EO to TJS was not statistically significant; (e) PLC was proven to positively mediate the influence of PTL to TJS. Based on the results, implications for research and practice were further discussed.

Keywords: principal leadership; educational resource; teachers’ job satisfaction; professional learning community; PISA


過往研究顯示教學環境和校長領導與教師工作滿意度有關聯。再者,近年為促進教師專業發展,教師專業學習社群相繼成立。鑑於提升教師工作滿意度對增進教學品質有很大助益,本研究從環境因素、校長轉型領導和教師專業學習社群來建構三者影響教師工作滿意度的模型。本研究以2015年「國際學生能力評量計畫」(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)中2,436名台灣高中教師為樣本,並使用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)及模型穩定性(model stability)分析進行驗證。研究獲致以下結論:(1)「環境阻礙」會負向影響「教師專業學習社群」與「教師工作滿意度」;(2)「校長轉型領導」會正向影響「教師專業學習社群」與「教師工作滿意度」;(3)「教師專業學習社群」會正向影響「教師工作滿意度」;(4)關於「環境阻礙」透過「教師專業學習社群」影響「教師工作滿意度」,沒有發現統計上的顯著差異;(5)「校長轉型領導」會透過「教師專業學習社群」中介影響「教師工作滿意度」。最後,本文依研究成果提出研究和實務建議。


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