
育學報 Education Journal

學報資訊 Journal Info

中大《教育學報》現正籌備專題,專輯為「疫情與後疫情時代的亞洲教育領導和教師專業發展」,歡迎提交以下方面的論文:(1)關於在關鍵時期影響教育領導力有效性的關鍵因素的理論討論; (2)亞洲教育背景下關於課程和教學領導力、管理和行政的實證研究;(3)關注學生健康和/或教師專業發展的前沿研究;(4)教育實踐者對維護學校可持續發展的看法。有關查詢可聯絡袁月梅教授 (。請於2025年6月30日前提交論文。該刊之詳細徵稿辦法可瀏覽《教育學報》網站(

Call for Papers in Education Journal, CUHK:   The special volume is “Educational Leadership and Teacher Professional Development in Asia During the Pandemic and Post-pandemic Times.” We appreciate paper submissions regarding the following: (a) theoretical discussion on the key factors affecting educational leadership effectiveness in critical times; (b) empirical studies on curriculum and instructional leadership, management and administration with reference to the Asian educational contexts; (c) cutting-edge research for addressing student wellness and/or teacher professional development; (d) practitioners’ perspectives on developing sustainable school development. For further information, please contact Prof. Yuen ( The deadline for submission is 30 June 2025. For submission requirements, please refer to Notes for Contributor (

人工智慧來勢洶洶,從根本上改變教育方式和生態,亦帶來新的機遇和挑戰,亟待討論和研究。有見及此,香港中文大學《教育學報》籌劃「AI 時代下的教育研究與實踐」專題,歡迎大家提交中文或英文論文,分享真知灼見。徵稿於2025 年6 月30 日截止。亦歡迎大家將徵稿資訊轉發給其他有興趣人士。《教育學報》的詳細徵稿辦法可瀏覽網站( 。有關查詢可聯絡專題的客席主編: 華中師範大學雷萬鵬教授( )或北京師範大學宋雈教授(。

Artificial intelligence is rapidly advancing, fundamentally changing educational methods and the related system, while also presenting new opportunities and challenges that require discussion and research. In view of this trend, Education Journal (CUHK) is planning a special issue on “Educational Research and Practice in the Age of AI,” and we invite contributors to submit papers in either Chinese or English to share their insights and perspectives. The submission deadline is 30 June 2025. We also encourage you to forward this call for papers to others who may be interested. Detailed submission guidelines can be found at the website of Education Journal ( For enquiries, please contact the guest editors of the special issue: Professor Lei Wanpeng from Central China Normal University ( or Professor Song Huan from Beijing Normal University (


Education Journal also welcomes proposals for new issues and colleagues serving as Guest Editors. For further information, please contact our Chief Editor, Dr. Thomas TSE (

Editor 主編輯

Thomas Kwan-Choi Tse (謝均才)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Associate Editors 副編輯

Ping-Kwan Fok (霍秉坤)
The Education University of Hong Kong

Chi-Shing Tse (謝志成)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Sally Wai-Yan Wan (溫慧欣)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Review Board 審稿委員

Mable Chan (陳美寶)
Hong Kong Baptist University

Eric King-Man Chong (莊璟珉)
Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Ping Du (杜屏)
Beijing Normal University

Morris Siu-Yung Jong (莊紹勇)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dinky Kit-Ling Lau (劉潔玲)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Icy Kit-Bing Lee (李潔冰)
Nanyang Technological University

Jun Li (李軍)
Western University

Qiong Li (李瓊)
Beijing Normal University

Dongshu Ou (歐冬舒)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Savio Wai-Ho Wong (黃蔚皓)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Zi Yan (晏子)
The Education University of Hong Kong

Editorial Office 編輯部

Wai-Kit Fung (馮偉傑)
Executive Editor

Lily Ka-Pui Luk (陸嘉佩)
Editorial Coordinator

Martin Yu-Ting Lee (李宇庭)
Editorial Assistant

Advisory Editors 顧問編輯

Michael W. Apple
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Shuangye Chen (陳霜葉)
East China Normal University

Shu-Ching Chou (周淑卿)
National Taipei University of Education

Gang Ding (丁鋼)
East China Normal University

Joyce L. Epstein
Johns Hopkins University

Thomas S. C. Farrell
Brock University

Ruth Hayhoe
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education

John C. K. Lee (李子建)
The Education University of Hong Kong

Wing-On Lee (李榮安)
Institute of Adult Learning Singapore

Wei Li (李嵬)
University College London

Tai-Lok Lui (呂大樂)
The Education University of Hong Kong

Weifang Min (閔維方)
Peking University

Bridie Raban
The University of Melbourne

Ovid J. L. Tzeng (曾志朗)
Academia Sinica

Chuang Wang (王闖)
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Hin-Wah Wong (黃顯華)
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Rui Yang (楊銳)
The University of Hong Kong

Yong Zhao (趙勇)
University of Kansas

Besides the following requirements, please also refer to our Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement .

  1. 本刊乃教育類學術期刊,舉凡有關教育之議題,特別是華人社會以至全球所關注者,本刊均歡迎投稿。本刊於每年六月及十二月出版。

    Education Journal, published in June and December, is an academic journal about educational issues of concern from the Chinese communities and the globe.

  2. 來稿必須為原著作品,並未曾發表,亦並無同時投稿於其他刊物。倘發現一稿多投,本刊有權即時退稿。

    Papers submitted to Education Journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Otherwise, the submitted paper will be rejected.

  3. 本刊全年徵稿,中文或英文稿件均可。稿件刊登與否,均無稿酬。來稿可以電子郵件附件傳送至香港教育研究所(,註明投稿於《教育學報》;亦可寄往:中國香港,新界,沙田,香港中文大學,何添樓204室,香港教育研究所,《教育學報》主編。文稿接納與否,本刊將不會退還原稿,請作者自行保留原稿備份。

    The Journal welcomes submission in either Chinese or English. No royalties or money will be offered for any submission. Papers can be submitted via e-mail (, specifying submission to Education Journal. Alternatively, manuscripts can be mailed to the Editor of Education Journal, Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, Room 204, Ho Tim Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, N.T., Hong Kong. Whether accepted for publication or not, manuscripts will not be returned to authors, who should keep a copy for backup.

  4. 所有稿件均須經本刊初步評審,若符合基本投稿要求,再作雙向匿名評審,然後交主編/編輯委員會議決定是否接納。

    All manuscripts will be initially evaluated by the Editor; if submission requirements are fulfilled, double-blind review will be performed for the manuscript. The Editor or Editorial Committee will make an editorial decision based on the review comments.

  5. 本刊對獲接納之文稿有刪改編修權,亦有權決定文稿刊登之卷數、期數。

    The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, and the right to decide in which volume and issue of the Journal the accepted paper will be published.

  6. 撰稿原則:
    Preparation of Manuscript:

    • 規格:文稿必須輸入於文字處理軟件內(WORD格式為宜),由左至右橫排,設定紙張尺寸為A4,註明頁碼。
      Specification — Manuscripts must be typewritten in word-processing software (preferably in WORD format) on A4-size paper with pagination.

    • 字數:中文文稿,上限15,000字(中文文稿需以繁體字呈交);英文文稿,上限9,000字。摘要、正文、圖表、參考文獻、附錄均計算在內。
      Word limits — For Chinese manuscripts, not more than 15,000 words (manuscript submitted in Chinese must be written in Traditional Chinese); for English manuscripts, not more than 9,000 words. Abstracts, main text, tables & figures, references and appendices will be counted in.

    • 首頁:文稿首頁請以中文和英文列寫文章題目、作者姓名、作者職稱、
      The first page — Paper title as well as names, position titles and affiliations of authors are included in this page. The address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author should also be included. No author identification information should be included in the manuscript other than on the first page.

    • 次頁:文稿次頁為文章中、英文摘要(中文400字,英文250字)和中、英文關鍵詞(3–5個)。摘要應清晰交代研究目的、方法、主要發現和結論。
      The second page — Both English and Chinese abstracts (250 words for English and 400 words for Chinese) and 3–5 keywords of the paper are included here. The abstract should clearly summarize the purpose, methodology, major findings, and conclusion of your study.

    • 正文:文稿第三頁起為正文,請於頁頂重複文章題目一次,然後接續文稿餘下部分。
      Main text — The main text starts on page 3, with the paper title repeated at the top.

    • 圖表:插圖和表格應附於文末,與內文互相參照,並須註明應置於內文哪處。一般來說,本所不會重繪插圖,請提供插圖之高解像電子檔案(JPG或TIF格式),或提供清晰之插圖列印本(camera-ready copy)以便複製。
      Tables and figures — Tables and figures should be attached at the end of the manuscript and cross-referenced in the text. Their appropriate position in the manuscript should be indicated. Please provide high-resolution softcopy (in JPG or TIF format) or camera-ready copy of figures for reproduction.

    • 稿例:編寫文稿時請參照美國心理學會出版之Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association(2020年第7版)之指引,尤要注意文獻徵引和參考文獻格式。至於中文文獻之格式要求,請參考本所編訂之「中文文稿格式:文獻徵引及參考文獻」指引。
      Style — Manuscripts should conform to the publication guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed., 2020), especially the citation and referencing style. For the citation and referencing style in Chinese, please refer to the Chinese guidelines.

  7. 文稿評審:
    Manuscript Evaluation:

    • 作者可參考本刊之文稿評審表,以了解評審準則。
      Authors may refer to the Manuscript Evaluation Sheet of the Education Journal for an understanding of the evaluation criteria of the journal.

    • 作者可提供三位文稿評審人供本刊參考,惟須申明作者與所提議評審人之
      Authors may suggest three reviewers for our reference, and should declare his/her relationships with the suggested reviewers. The Editor reserves the right to accept the suggestion or not.

  8. 版權事宜:

    • 來稿若有使用屬他人版權之材料(文字、圖片、插圖等),作者必須自行聯絡相關之版權持有人,取得版權持有人之書面同意方可使用。作者亦須提交相關之書面同意副本予本所存案。若文稿有侵犯他人版權者,作者得自負有關之法律責任。
      Authors should undertake to secure written permission for use in the manuscript all textual matters, drawings, pictures, photographs, maps, diagrams, illustrations and other material in the manuscript that is subject to copyright or any proprietary rights. A copy of the written permission should also be provided for record. Authors are fully responsible for all actions, claims, proceedings, damages, costs and expenses due to copyright infringement and in respect of or arising out of the publication of the manuscript.

    • 來稿一經接納,作者須簽署版權轉讓協議書,文章(包括摘要)版權歸香港中文大學所有。
      It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright in their papers, including abstracts, to The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

  9. 本文件獲編輯委員會議決通過。
    This document was approved by the Editorial Committee.

地址 Address



Editor, Education Journal
Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research
Room 204, Ho Tim Building
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sha Tin, N.T.
Hong Kong SAR, China

電郵 Email

傳真 Facsimile

(852) 2603 6850

各期內容 Archives






















































於本刊 About Education Journal

From 2018, no print version of the journal will be published.
Only online version is available.

ISSN 2227–0256 (Online) ISSN 1025–1936 (Print)

《教育學報》初出版於1968 年,主要刊登教育工作者和教育研究人員對教育的創見新知。自2010 年秋季,《教育學報》重組,與《基礎教育學報》合併,重新定位為地區及國際期刊,探討大中華地區以至全球所關注的教育議題。學報續以《教育學報》名義刊行,接納中文或英文文稿,旨在建構一教育學術議論的全球共通平台。自2013 年起,《教育學報》獲台灣科學及技術委員會評審通過,收錄為「臺灣社會科學引文索引」(TSSCI)核心期刊。2017 年,學報亦收進「中文社會科學引文索引(港澳台及海外華文)」。學報所收文章以多種角度和研究方法,有系統地分析及探討教育制度、研究教育理論、探索教育問題、交流教學實踐經驗等。學報肩負起聯繫全球學者和研究人員、交流教育理論和實踐經驗的角色。

Education Journal was established in 1968 for promoting the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between practicing educators and educational researchers from Hong Kong and abroad. The Journal has undergone restructuring in Autumn 2010, in which it merged with the Journal of Basic Education. It then re-positioned itself as a regional and international journal exploring educational issues in Greater China as well as those of global concern. It will continue publishing under the title of Education Journal, accepting articles that are written in Chinese or English and aiming at establishing a platform of education discourse for the global community. Since 2013, the Journal has been evaluated as TSSCI core journal by the Science and Technology Council of Taiwan. In 2017, the Journal was included in CSSCI (Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Overseas). The Journal will publish articles that attempt to analyze or synthesize educational theories, processes and systems from different viewpoints and approaches. Articles of empirical or theoretical studies on practical experience of educators will also be considered. The Journal is therefore intended to serve as a bridge for academic exchange between Chinese and international academics and researchers.

2020 rejection rate (退稿率): 75.28%

Reviewers for this journal (本刊評稿者)

Latest: 第52卷第2期(Vol. 52 No. 2)