Applicants are required to upload a copy of the completed and signed School Head's Recommendations. The Recommendations form can be downloaded from the TRAINING CALENDAR SYSTEM of the Education Bureau or HERE.申請人須經互聯網上載已填寫及簽署的「校長推薦書」。「校長推薦書」表格可於教育局培訓行事曆或這裡下載。
Please read the Programme Prospectus before application. The Prospectus can be downloaded at TRAINING CALENDAR SYSTEM of the Education Bureau or HERE (Secondary Course) (Primary Course) for the English version.申請前請先閱讀「課程簡介」。「課程簡介」可於教育局培訓行事曆或這裡(中學課程)(小學課程)下載中文版。
* Mandatory fields 必須填寫
Certificate Course on Management and Leadership for Heads of Guidance and Discipline Teams of Secondary Schools 中學訓育及輔導主任管理及領導課程
Certificate Course on Management and Leadership for Heads of Guidance and Discipline Teams of Primary Schools 小學訓育及輔導主任管理及領導課程
Successful applicants will be issued with a “Conditional Offer”. To fulfil the Condition of Admission, they must attend an Online Orientation Session* and submit the original “School Head’s Recommendation” by post. Otherwise, their conditional offers will become null and void.獲取錄者將獲得「暫取生」資格。暫取生必須出席網上新生日,兼且以郵寄遞交「校長推薦書」正本。否則,其「暫取」資格將會自動失效。
* Online Orientation Session 網上新生日:
2025年3月4日 (星期二) 下午6:30 - 7:30
2025年3月6日 (星期四) 下午6:30 - 7:30
No Preference 兩日均可
The names given below should be the same as those printed on your identity document.姓名必須與身份證明文件中所示者相同。
Name in Chinese 中文姓名
e.g. 陳大文
* Surname in English英文姓氏
e.g. CHAN
* Given Name in English英文名字
e.g. Tai Man
* Title 稱謂
Mr. 先生
Ms. 女士
* Contact Tel. No. 聯絡電話號碼
(8 digits 8位數字)
* E-mail Address 電郵地址
The Institute will contact you through this email address. Application result will also be delivered to this email address.本所將以此電郵地址與申請人聯絡。申請結果亦會以此電郵地址通知申請人。
* EDB E-service Portal User ID 教育局電子化服務入門網站戶口資料
(User Login Name in the EDB Training Calendar 教育局培訓行事曆登入用戶名稱)
* School Code 學校編號
(6 digits 6位數字)
* Name of Serving School (in English)現職學校名稱(必須以英文填寫)
e.g. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
* School Session 校制
AM 上午
PM 下午
Whole Day 全日
* School Address (in English)學校地址(必須以英文填寫)
HK 香港
KLN 九龍
NT 新界
This address will be used for all mailing correspondences. 所有郵遞通訊均會使用此地址。
* School Tel. No. 學校電話號碼
School Fax No. 學校傳真號碼
* Type of School 學校類別
Government 官立
Aided 資助
Direct Subsidy 直資
Private 私立
Special 特殊
其他 (請註明)
* Years of experiences as a secondary/primary teacher (as at 31 December 2024)中/小學教師年資(截至2024年12月31日)
* Present rank/grade 現任職級
CM 文憑教師
AM 助理教席
SAM 高級助理教席
PAM 首席助理教席
APSM 助理小學學位教師
PSM 小學學位教師
SPSM 高級小學學位教師
GM 學位教師
SGM 高級學位教師
PGM 首席學位教師
AEO 助理教育主任
EO 教育主任
SEO 高級教育主任
* I am the Head of student guidance and/or discipline team in my serving school in 2024/25 school year.在2024/25學年,本人是任職學校的訓輔主任。
主任 Team Head
副主任 / 助理主任 Deputy Head / Assistant Head
*Years of experience as a guidance and/or discipline teacher (as at 31 August 2023)擔任學生訓育及 ╱ 或輔導工作年資(截至2023年8月31日)
If not applicable, please fill in "0".如不適用,請填上"0"。
*I am a member of student guidance/discipline team in our school in 2023/24 school year.在2023/24學年,本人是本校訓輔組的成員。
Yes 是
No 否
*Total Years of experience as a guidance and/or discipline teacher (as at 31 August 2024)擔任學生訓育及 ╱ 或輔導工作總年資(截至2024年8月31日)
*I have attended the 36-hours Short Course on Consultation and Mentorship for Heads of Student Guidance and Discipline Teams in Primary and Secondary Schools, 48-hour Certificate Course on Management and Leadership for Heads of Guidance and Discipline Teams of Primary / Secondary Schools, or the 3-day workshop on the same topic coordinated or organized by the EDB.本人曾修讀由教育局籌辦的36小時中小學訓育及輔導主任諮詢及友伴協作短期課程、48小時中/小學訓育及輔導主任管理及領導課程或相同主題的三天工作坊。
1. I declare that all information given in support of this application is accurate and complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will result in disqualification of my application for admission and subsequent enrolment in the University. 本人謹聲明在本申請表中填報之資料均正確無誤,亦無遺漏,並明白若填報之資料失實,本人之入學申請及修業資格將被取消。
2. I consent that if registered, I will conform to the Statutes and Regulations of the University in force. 本人同意一經註冊,本人將遵循大學的規章和法則。
3. I understand that, upon my registration in a programme, the data will become a part of my student record and may be used for all purposes relating to my studies in accordance with the procedures of the University. 本人明白在註冊後,有關資料將轉為學生紀錄,而香港中文大學可按校方規定,將該等資料用於與本人學業相關之一切事宜上。
4. I understand that applicants who have previously attended this course or related courses will not be considered.本人明白曾修讀本課程或相關證書課程的申請人,將不獲接納。
5. I understand that my application is accepted and based on the recommendation of my current (2024/25 school year) school head. If I change my serving school in the 2024/25 school year, my admission to the course may be cancelled. 本人明白本課程取錄的條件之一為申請人必須獲現職(2024/25學年)學校校長推薦,如本人於2024/25學年轉教他校,本人的入學資格或將會被取消。
* I understand and agree the above declaration 本人明白及同意上述聲明
* Upload School Head's Recommendations 上載校長推薦書(File Type 檔案種類 = PDF or JPEG. File size 檔案大小 = 3MB Max.)
1. The personal information collected will be used by the University for 所填報的資料將予大學處理以下各項:
o processing a candidate’s application and will become part of his/her student record upon successful admission to the course 申請人之入學申請,有關資料將於申請人獲取錄後保存為學生個人檔案之一部分;
o sharing with the Education Bureau and appropriate parties and personnel of the University for administration, communication and other teaching related purposes 提供予教育局及大學有關的單位及人員,作行政、傳訊及其他教學相關之用途。
2. Under the provision of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants have rights to request for personal data access or correction. Requests can be made in writing via email to 根據個人資料(私隱)條例,申請人有權查閱及更改其個人資料。如有需要,可透過電子郵件 向大學提出。